This isn’t a will—it’s simply a list of your most important accounts and any notes for the account you want us to share with your emergency contact if something happened to you.

Share your financial info in an emergency

This isn’t a will—it’s simply a list of your most important accounts and any notes for the account you want us to share with your emergency contact if something happened to you.

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Don't let your financial accounts get lost forever.

A little planning today can save your loved ones time and money if anything were to happen to you. Enable specific people to get access a list of your accounts, private stock options, crypto, and assets.

Chances are, if you were to face disability or death, it could take months or even years for your loved ones to find out what accounts you have. By appointing them as an emergency contact, they will be able to find your accounts and follow any instructions you’ve left them.

This is not a will—it’s more like bread crumbs that they can follow.

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How does it work?

Step 1
In the event of an emergency, your assigned contact will reach out to Range through email or our customer support.

Step 2
We will attempt to email, call, or otherwise get in touch with you multiple times. If we are unable, we will have our team confirm any disability or death with legal documentation from your emergency contact that is notarized by a public official.

Step 3
Once confirmed, we will only share the accounts you wished to share and notes with your emergency contacts.

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Emergency Fund Frequently Asked Questions:

Will my account passwords be released?

No. We don’t store any account passwords or banking details to begin with as it relates to login and access capabilities. Your emergency contacts will simply see which institution houses your money and any notes in those accounts you choose leave. It will then be up to your emergency contact to work directly with your financial institution for next steps.

Who will have access to my money?

Range does not currently have any features or functions that work like a Living Will. Any access to your money you choose to leave with someone must be done at the institution level. We simply help you with contact information for your accounts so your loved ones know where to go in an emergency.

How many emergency contacts can I have?

You can have as many emergency contacts as you’d like. Typically we see our members list their spouse and one or two family members as back-up emergency contacts. Range also does not charge you extra for additional emergency contacts. They also do not need an account to be your emergency contact, although they are welcome to set one up if they like.

Is anything shared outside of an emergency?

Nope. Since we require legal documentation of any disability or death that is verified by our attorneys, it is not possible for your information to be shared with your emergency contacts using this feature. We respect your privacy completely and will never share anything that is not meant to be shared.

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